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Fluke® FLUKE-51-2-60HZ Digital Thermometer, 210 to 1200 deg C J-Type, 200 to 1372 deg C K-Type, 250 to 400 deg C T-Type, 150 to 1000 deg C E-Type, 200 to 1300 deg C N-Type, 0 to 1767 deg C R and S-Type

Fluke® FLUKE-51-2-60HZ Digital Thermometer, 210 to 1200 deg C J-Type, 200 to 1372 deg C K-Type, 250 to 400 deg C T-Type, 150 to 1000 deg C E-Type, 200 to 1300 deg C N-Type, 0 to 1767 deg C R and S-Type
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Laboratory accuracy. Wherever you go. The Fluke 50 Series II contact thermometers offer fast response and laboratory accuracy (0.05 percent + 0.3degrees Celsius) in a rugged, handheld test tool. A single input thermomoeter, 60 Hz noise rejection.
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